
Once again, I feel the need to remind fitness professionals that Facebook and IG pics and videos that show themselves in their intense, half naked glory is not driving new members to their business. “Look at me! Look at how good I look! Look how driven I am. Train with me if you want to look as phenomenal as I do.” (That’s only a little bit exaggerated.)

I’m not saying they don’t get a lot of likes and comments. People like to look at great bodies and insane workouts (while sitting on their sofas at home). However, do they think, “Yeah, I want that person to be my trainer.”? It’s not as likely as you may think.

First, a spectacular body can be very intimidating. It can make people feel that unless they reach that pinnacle, they are losers. The thoughts of, “I could never reach that.” is constantly at play in their head.

Second, photos or videos of intense workouts makes viewers think, “That’s just too hard!” and “I can’t do that!” Let’s face it, people were fascinated watching The Biggest Loser, but the images of overweight individuals working out so hard that they were sick or crying or both did not inspire that many people to start working out. Remember, 80% of the US population doesn’t get the prescribed amount of exercise and 70% are overweight or obese.

What inspires people are pictures of caring, kind personal trainers and people similar to them working out with doable exercises and intensities. In selecting photos or videos, think about your target market. Who are they? What do they want? Use media that represents them, not you. Because it’s just not about you.